Arabic Lessons Page صفحة دروس في اللغة العربية |
Parts of speech in Arabic language أقسام الكلام في اللغة العربية |
Parts of speech in Arabic Language are:
1- ism ( noun ) اسم name of a person or animal or anything has a name.
2- fe'al ( verb ) فعل a verb in past or present or future.
3- harf ( compound letters ) حرف example ( لم - لا- من - إلى - لكن - عن - في - قد ) as ( to -of - off - from - but - if ).
مثال : جملة باللغة العربية على اقسام الكلام
An Arabic sentence ( Jumllah ) as an example on Parts of Speech:
ذهب محمد الى السوق means Mohamad went to the market. If we want to identify and recognize the types of words in this sentence,we will divide them as ( nouns ) ( verbs ) ( horrof). horrof means letters and this word horrof is a plural form of harrf like feet of foot.
1- nouns are ( محمد means Mohamad ) Mohamad is a name of a person and ( السوق means the market ) market is a name of a place.We have 2 names in this sentence ( mohamad and market ) and the is an article = ال
2- verbs are ذهب = went ( we have only one verb here which is went = ذهب )
3- horrof (letters) are الى = to ( we have only one letter here which is to = الى ). In Arabic we call words like (to,on,off,from,in,and ,but,if) horrof and they are conjunctions used to connect words( nouns and verbs together ) to make phrases or sentences .
Verbs in Arabic Language devided to 3 types:
1- Fe"al Madei means ( Past Verb ) as kataba كتب for a male person ( he wrote )or katabat كتبت for a female person ( she wrote ) and as laeba لعب for a male or laebat لعبت for a female means he/she played.
2- Fe'al Muddare' or Hadder means ( Present Verb ) as yaktub يكتب for a male person ( he writes )or taktub تكتب for a female person ( she writes ) and as yala'b يلعب for a male person or tala'b تلعب for a female person means he/she plays.
3- Fe"al Ammr ( Command Verb ) as oktub أكتب for a male person and oktubei أكتبي for a female means write and as illabb العب/ illabei العبي means YOU, go play .
( Personal Pronouns ) ضمائر المخاطبة |
أنت means YOU to talk to one male person---------- للمفرد المذكر -anta------------ أنت تلميذ مهذب . أنتماmeans YOU to talk to 2 male------- للمثنى المذكر ------------antuma---------- أنتما تلميذان مهذبان . أنتمmeans YOU to talk to more than 2 male ------ لجمع المذكر ----antum------ أنتم تلاميذ مهذبون . أنتِmeans YOU to talk to one female person ------ للمفرد المؤنث ----antea------ أنتِ تلميذة مهذبة . أنتماmeans YOU to talk to 2 female ------ للمثنى المؤنث --------------antuma--- أنتما تلميذتان مهذبتان . أنتن means YOU to talk to more than 2 female--- لجمع المؤنث------antunna--- أنتن تلميذات مهذبات .
هن when you talk about them- Hunna for ladies / هم when you talk about them- Humm for men
أنا when you talk about yourself for men and women I - Anna
هو means he- Huwa , هي means she - Heya , نحن means we- Nahnu for men and women
How to say/write a complete sentence in Arabic ?
Can Phrases alone make a complete sentence ??
Does phrase/uncomplete sentence give a meaning !!
What other parts of speech we need to form a complete sentence?
The following video explains what is the difference between a complete sentence and uncomplete sentence (a phrase ).
Enjoy watching and listening to the teacher in the video below to learn.
By the way, in this video the teacher speaks the MSA Modern Standard Arabic or Classical Language ( i.e. true/correct language which we call it in Arabic اللغة العربية الفصحى Alfuss'haa ).