Parts of speech in Arabic language أقسام الكلام في اللغة العربية
Parts of speech in Arabic Language are:
1- ism ( noun ) اسم name of a person or animal or anything has a name.
2- fe'al ( verb ) فعل a verb in past or present or future.
3- harrf ( compound letters ) حرف example ( من - الى - عن - في - قد ) as ( to - of - from - but ).
مثال : جملة باللغة العربية على أقسام الكلام
An Arabic sentence ( Jumllah ) as an example on Parts of Speech:
ذهب محمد الى السوق means Mohamad went to the market. If we want to identify and recognize the types of words in this sentence,we will divide them as ( nouns ) ( verbs ) ( horrof). Horrof or Ahruff means letters and this word horrof is a plural form of harrf like feet of foot.
1- nouns are ( محمد ) Mohamad is a name of a person and ( السوق means the market ) market is a name of a place.We have 2 names in this sentence ( mohamad and market ) and the is an article = ال
2- verbs are ذهب = went ( we have only one verb here which is went )
3- horrof (letters) are إلى = to ( we have only one letter here which is to = الى ). In Arabic we call words like ( to, of, from, in, and, but, if ) horrof and they are conjunctions used to connect nouns , verbs and words together to make phrases or complete sentences .
Verbs in Arabic Language devided to 3 types:
1- Fe"al Madei means ( Past Verb ) as kataba كتب for a male person ( he wrote ) or katabat كتبت for a female person ( she wrote ) and as laeba لعب for a male or laebat لعبت for a female means ( he/she played ).
2- Fe'al Muddare' or Hadder means ( Present Verb ) as yaktub يكتب for a male person ( he writes ) or taktub تكتب for a female person ( she writes ) and as yala'b يلعب for a male person or tala'b تلعب for a female person means ( he/she plays ).
3- Fe"al Ammr ( Command Verb ) as oktub أكتب for a male person and oktubei أكتبي for a female means write and as illabb العب/ illabei العبي means ( play ).
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