I established this website to promote education, help students in my community learning the Arabic language as a second language and to post our community cultural activities online.. Serving my community, immigrants, schools, universities, professionals, researchers and others who are interested in learning Arabic and studying Arabic and Islamic cultures.
رياض Riyadh = Riyadh , نوال Nawal = Nawal , القمر alqamar = moon , أحمد Ahmad = Ahmad alifsounds like (a)as in ( apple , accept , car ). Always alif is not connected / not attached to any letter from the left.
ب ( بـ ، ـبـ ، ـب ، ب ) بـيت ، جـبـل ، عـنـب، باب
باب bab = door , عنب enab = grape , جبل jabal = mountain , بيت bayt = home/house ba'a sounds like(b , p)as in ( boy, book, panda, probably, problem ). ت ( تـ ، ـتـ ، ـت ، ت ) تـفاح ، كـتاب ، بيـت ، بيوت
بيوت boyot = homes/houses , بيت bayt = home/house , كتاب kitab = book , تفاح tuffah = apples ta'asounds like(t)as in ( tea , tailor, pet ). ث ( ثـ ، ـثـ ، ـث ، ث ) ثعـبان ، مـثـلـث ، محراث
درج daraj = stairs, ثلج thalj = ice , شجرة shajarah = tree , جمل jamal = camel jeem sounds like ( j )as in ( jeep , job , gym ) stands in Arabic for 2 different letters in English J and G. ح ( حـ ، ـحـ ، ـح ، ح ) حـسن ، بـحـر ، ملح ، تمساح
تمساح temsah = alligator/crocodile , ملح milh = salt , بحر bahr = sea, حسن Hasan = Hasan ha'asounds like(h) as in ( happy, hug ) with a little accent/stress or amplifier makes the sound has a strong pronunciation. خ ( خـ ، ـخـ ، ـخ ، خ ) خـروف ، نـخـلة ، بطيخ ، خوخ
خوخ khoukh = peach , بطيخ battikh = watermelon , نخلة nakhlah = palm , خروف kharoof = sheep khaa sounds like ( kh,ch ) as in ( khaki, Bach, Khaled ), this letter خ has no similar in English...By the way the word Mocha or Mokha in ( Mocca Coffee ) has this sound and originally it is an Arabic word for the name of the city in Yemen called Mokha used to export the finest Arabic Yemeni coffee to the whole world many years ago. د ( د ، ـد ، د ) دب ، وردة ، هـدية ، قرد
قرد qird = monkey , هدية hadiyah = gift , وردة wardah = rose , دب dub/dob = bear dallsounds like(d)as in ( dog , bad , glad ). Always dall is not connected / not attached to any letter from the left. ذ ( ذ ، ـذ ، ذ ) ذرة ، رذاذ ، جـذر ، معاذ
معاذ muath = muath , جذر jethr = root , رذاذ rathath = spray , ذرة thurah = corn thallsounds like(th)as in ( the , than, although , further , there ). Always thall is not connected / not attached to any letter from the left. ر ( ر ، ـر ، ر ) ريش ، أرنب ، جـرس ، فأر
ra'a sounds like( r ) as in ( rabbit , park , far ). Always raais not connected / not attached to any letter from the left.
ز ( ز ، ـز ، ز ) زيتون ، مـزرعة ، موزة ، موز
موز mawz = bananas , موزة mawzah = banana , مزرعة mazrah = farm , زيتون zaytoon = olive zai / zay / zaynsounds like ( z ) as in ( zip, zoom, enzyme, zoo). Always zay is not connected / not attached to any letter from the left. س ( سـ ، ـسـ ، ـس ، س ) سـمك ، جـسـر ، شمـس ، جرس
جرس jaras = bell, شمس shams = sun, جسر jisr = bridge, سمك samak = fish seen sounds like ( s , c ) as in ( seeds,sand,solar,cedar,circle,cycle ) ش ( شـ ، ـشـ ، ـش ، ش ) شارع ، مـشــروع ، ريـش ، خفاش
خفاش khofash = pat , ريش reesh = feathers , مشروع mashroua = project , شارع sharea = street sheen sounds like ( sh , tio , ch ) as in ( show, nation, sharp, she, flash, chef ) ص ( صـ ، ـصـ ، ـص ، ص ) صـباح، عـصـير ، قفـص ، أقفاص
أقفاص akfass = cages , قفص kafass = cage , عصير aseer = juice , صباح sabah = morning
saadsounds like( s , c )same rules of سapplied here with a little stress/accent or amplifier makes sound pronounced stronger.
مرض maradh = sickness , مريض mareedh = patient , أخضر akhdar = green , ضفدع thefdah = frog Daad( strong accent sound maybe close to D sound ), this letter is unique in Arabic and has no similar letters in any language.The Arabic linguistics scholars call the Arabic Language : the language of this letter ض because it is/it's unique.
خيوط khoyot = threads, خيط khayt = thread, مطر mattar = rain, طريق tareek = road ta'asounds like ( t ) approximately ت with a fat/strong pronunciation. ظ ( ظ ، ـظـ ، ـظ ، ظ ) ظـرف ، مـظــلة ، حظ ، محظوظ
محظوظ = Mahthoth = lucky, حظ hath = luck, مظلة methallah = umbrella, ظرف tharf = envelope tha'asounds like ( tha ) approximately close to (ذ ) thall letter. ع ( عـ ، ـعـ ، ـع ، ع ) عـين ، شعـر ، ربيع ، ضفدع
ضفدع thefdaa = frog, ربيع rabie = spring, شعر shaar = hair, عين ayn = eye ayn/ainsounds like these vowels( a, e, i, o, u, ei, ea, ou ) approximately . غ ( غـ ، ـغـ ، ـغ ، غ ) غـزال ، ببغاء ، صمغ ، فارغ
صوف souf = wool, صيف saif = summer, مفتاح meftah = key, فيل feel = elephant fa'asounds like ( f ) as in ( food , fair , friend ). ق ( قـ ، ـقـ ، ــق ، ق ) قـمر ، بـقـرة ، طريـق ، طرق
طرق turuq = roads, طريق tareeq = road, بقرة bakarah = cow, قمر qamar = moon qaaf / kaafsounds like ( q , c , k ) as in ( Quran , Kuran, Couran, quarter ). ك ( كـ ، ـكـ ، ـك ، ك ) كـتاب ، مـكتب ، ملـك ، ملوك
ملوك mulook = kings, ملك malik = king, مكتب maktab = office, كتاب kitab = book kaafsounds like ( k , c , q ) as in ( key, course, quality, kid ). ل ( لـ ، ـلـ ، ــل ، ل ) لـيمون ، مـلـح ، جبـل ، جبال
جبال jibal = mountains, جبل = mountain, ملح milh = salt, ليمون laymon = lemon laamsounds like ( L ) as in ( light , milk , life , fill ). م ( مـ ، ـمـ ، ـم ، م ) مـطار ، نـمـر ، قلـم ، غـيوم
غيوم ghoyom = clouds, قلم kalam = pen, نمر namer = tiger, مطار mattaar = airport meemsounds like ( m ) as in ( man , memory , miss ). ن ( نـ ، ـنـ ، ــن ، ن ) نـخلة ، مصـنع ، لبـن ، عـيون
عيون uyon = eyes, لبن laban = milk, مصنع masnaa = factory, نخلة nakhlah = palm noonsounds like ( n ) as in ( nam , run , nanny , nominee ). هـ ( هـ ، ـهـ ، ـه ، ه ) هـدهـد ، سهـير ، منبـه ، شفاه
شفاه shefah = lips, منبه munabeh = alarm, سهير Suheer = Suheer , هدهد hudhud = woodpecker ha'asounds like ( h ) as in ( hat, head, inhale, enhance ). و ( و ، ـو ، و ) وردة ، رويدا ، دلـو ، عمرو
عمرو Amr = Amr, دلو dalaw = bucket, رويدا Roaida = Roaida, وردة wardah = rose waw / wowsounds like ( w , o ) as in ( one,we,how,wolf,woman,wish ) and sometimesstands as these vowel sounds ( O and U or ou and ua ) as in(superسوبر , quartzكوارتز , court كورت , cornerكورنر),the Arabic words here represnt thesounds of English words only and they are not representing the meanings or synonyms of these words, you can notice those sounds clearly when you read or write Arabic words. Always wow is not connected / not attached to any letter from the left. ي ( يـ ، ـيـ ، ـي ، ي ) يـد ، ياسمـيـن ، سامي ، نادي
نادي nady = club, سامي Sami = Sami, ياسمين Yasmin = Yasmin, يد yad = hand
ya'asounds like ( y , u , a , e , i ) sounds, as in ( Yemen,United,you,yard,unique,yellow,use,yet ) and sometimes as ( e, ee, i, ea, ai, ia ) sounds as in ( mercey, deep, fine, midnight, rear, main , indiana , FIAT ).
THESE ARE THE FORMS/SHAPES OF the ARABIC LETTERS AS UPPER CASE AND LOWER CASE IN ENGLISH, however, we don't have upper case letters and lower case letters in Arabic and just to make these forms easier to learn, I compare them to the upper and lower cases in English to help you REMEMBER THEM WHEN YOU READ ANY ARABIC WORD OR SENTENCE.
The red color of each letter in all Arabic words above shows you how the main Arabic letter comes at the beginning as initial, middle and the end of any Arabic word.
The Social Studies Help Center , Learn Arabic : Those who attempt to learn Arabic are probably familiar with the specific challenges associated with learning this language. One of the greatest challenges that students of Arabic are faced with has to do with the script. The Arabic language has an alphabet that contains 28 letters. Most students find that it does not take long to learn the Arabic alphabet. However, each letter has four different forms. The form that is used depends on whether the letter comes at the beginning, middle, or end of a word. Learning the different letter variations can be a challenge for students. Another characteristic of Arabic that may confound students at first has to do with how books are written and read. In Arabic, books are read from the right to the left.
STARTALK is the newest of the component programs of the National Security Language Initiative (NSLI) announced by former President Bush in January of 2006. The initiative seeks to expand and improve the teaching and learning of strategically important world languages that are not now widely taught in the US. Other programs under the NSLI umbrella include Title VI/Fulbright Hays programs of the US Department of Education, The National Security Education program of the National Defense University, and study abroad and exchange programs of the US Department of State. (http://startalk.umd.edu/about)
This website runs by Education and Language Consulting Inc. and contains links to other websites which are not under the control of MyArabicWebsite.com.